Dental Industry Fume Extraction
Dental Lab Applications Include the Following:
Dental Milling
Hand Working Processes
Crown / Bridge Framework
3D Print
CAD / CAM Manufacturing
Dental laboratory manufacturing processes cause dust particles and fumes to be released that can be harmful if inhaled. Our products eliminate the risks.
There is growing awareness of the potential Health & Safety issues regarding the presence of Zirconia dust and Monomer toxic fumes and vapours generated in dental laboratory manufacturing and hand finishing processes.
Although many of the dust particles are too small (< 5 microns) to be seen by the naked eye, just because they cannot be seen doesn’t mean the dangers for technicians don’t exist! In fact, these ultra-small particles can cause bronchial or lung damage.
Dental Aerosol Extraction

The DentalEX has been designed for dental aerosol extraction. This provides the dental industry with an extra layer of protection and reducing the dependence upon the mask as the last line of airborne defence. With its multi position arm and easy to use design, it slots straight into the dental work place. Purex units are designed and manufactured in the UK providing the quality and reliability that is required.
Coronavirus or Covid-19, has forced all industries to review their working practices. This is especially important in the dental industry. Covid-19 and other viruses are commonly transmitted between humans on the saliva. Many dental processes, such as the use of aerosols, can make for a much more concentrated burst of salvia than the average person would ever receive, potentially putting all those at risk of capturing any viruses present, whilst also infecting tools and equipment.
HEPA filtration has been proven for many years as an effective solution for filtering viruses. During a study conducted by the CDC. Titled ‘Methods for Surge Airborne Isolation within Healthcare Settings during Response to a Natural or Manmade Epidemic’, confirmed that HEPA filtration “provide better real-time source protection from infectious aerosol than that expected to result from an N95 respirator” (Mead et al.,2012)
Toxic Fumes
Monomers can potentially cause a wide range of adverse health effects, from irritation to the eyes, skin and mucous membranes, through to allergic dermatitis, asthma and disturbances to the central nervous system, liver toxicity and fertility disturbances. In particular, Methacrylate (MMA), a widely used monomer in dentistry, causes abnormalities or lesions in several organs.
Protecting Valuable Equipment
In addition to Health & Safety concerns, the prolonged release of dust and particulate can lead to a build up of material on valuable production equipment, leading to additional maintenance and potentially causing reliability issues.