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Clean – Crisp – Clear Laser Marking
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Clean – Crisp – Clear Laser Marking

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It’s easier than you think!


Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines the word “clean” as: free from dirt, marks, etc.; free from contamination; having no interior flaws visible; relatively free from error or blemish; characterized by clarity and precision; and/or even, smooth. This is precisely the effect one is looking for laser marking any material. According to the laser supply professionals at JorLink, cleanliness really is next to Godliness, when it comes to obtaining a proficient result.

No matter which product and supply form you choose, step one is always the same -- Clean the surface to be marked (all products). Remember, the process of bonding between laser marking material and substrate occurs at a molecular level so it is important the substrate be free of all kinds of contamination such as oil, debris or coatings. Consequently, the substrate should be thoroughly cleaned before application of, for instance, one of Jorlink’s most popular brands, TherMark. With TherMark laser marking material the quality of your mark strongly depends on the cleanliness of the substrate prior to material application. Depending on the substrate, it should be cleaned with a solvent such as alcohol or rinsed with soap and water and completely dried. Be careful not to use a cleaning agent that leaves a residue behind.

Next comes application. Depending on the supply form of the TherMark product you choose, different application methods are used to transfer the laser marking material to the substrate. TherMark products are mostly liquid or paste inks and can be applied to the substrate either by spraying or painting with a foam brush. The exceptions to this rule would be TherMark’s tape products and those in aerosol cans. TherMark has also developed specialty inks for screen printing.

After you have achieved the proper dilution, coat thickness and consistency, desired in the product you’ve chosen it’s time to consider the actual marking process.

Presently the YAG or YVO4 Laser has been utilized to engrave and optimally deliver meticulous results. However, if you do not have a YAG or YVO4 laser but want to engrave on metal materials, don’t worry; using the CO2 laser to engrave on metals is practicable, too. The GCC LaserPro Application Lab (also available from JorLInk) acquired assorted paints provided by THERMARK that can be used on stainless steel, iron, copper, metal, lead, titanium, nickel and other metallic substance and also produce exciting color creations on glasses.

First - Select suitable THERMARK in terms of resource materials chosen, then apply THERMARK by methods of painting, spraying or paste on to designated engraving position. Second - After THERMARK is dry (averaging between 1-3 minutes), place into the machine as engraving will follow when ready. Finally - After engraving, use water to rinse clear the THERMARK residue.

It may sound simple, but with the help of professionals like Jorlink you’ll find the ideal solutions for all your industrial and business marking needs.

For more information on the products and processes we’ve discussed contact Jorlink at 336-288-1613 or visit their website at:




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Jorlink USA, Inc. BBB Business Review