Switch, Roller Lever (2412XYZ & 2818Z)
Switch, Roller Lever (Meistergram, HSquare Engraver 2412XYZ Axis & 2818Z) More Info
RoHS Compliant YES Based on information provided by our suppliers, this product does NOT contain the substances restricted by the RoHS legislation at levels over the maximum concentration values.
$19.62Starting from: 3 items $16.67
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Table, XY Motion for GCC StellarMark Yv04 or CO2 More Info
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Table, Vacuum Table for EGX350 \ PNC-2300
Table, Vacuum Table (Product # ZV-23A) is an optional accessory for use with the Chip Extraction System (Product #US-CHIPSYS-C). This table is used as an alternative to adhesive sheets for holding down flat plastic material and is compatible with the EGX-350 engraver
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