Purex Fume Extraction System
GCC teams up with a UK company to offer the Purex fume extraction unit for its full-line LaserPro laser engraving and cutting systems. These Fume Extraction Systems are specifically designed to prevent personnel from inhaling hazardous fumes and dust generated during the process. Applicable to all GCC LaserPro engravers, the Purex Fume Extraction System represents the latest invention in the exhaust extraction and smoke reduction technology for all types of applications. Noise-free operation, high vacuum capacity, compact design and long life expectancy are just a few of its outstanding features. Powered by a maintenance-free, continuous-running turbine, the Fume Extraction System, which is CE-compliant, ensures personnel safety and legal compliance.

Roll Holder System
The optional Roll Holder System for users to manually load roll media like flex, films, labels, technical fiber, felt and more materials for laser cutting and engraving jobs.

Wi-Fi Router
Wi-Fi router allows you to transmit data through a wireless network. It can work with GCC laser engravers and RX II/ Jaguar V cutting plotters through the Ethernet port (not applicable for Japanese users.) Whether you are sending files to multiple GCC machines using one PC or sharing one unit of GCC machines with multiple PCs, this wireless technology can be an excellent helper.

Extension Table
Extension Roller Tables help loading and unloading large piece work piece with ease, furthermore, it extends the maximum parts size to work with T500. T500 standard work area is 1300x905mm (51”x35”), and it will extend by 1300x600mm (51”x23.6”) respectively in front and rear side of machine when adding extension tables. Therefore, the maximum work piece you can load will be 1300x1500mm (51”x59”) in total.
Design with mechanical hard stop to ensure the origin position and clamping fixture to hold work piece firmly during laser processing. The Extension Table add-on is the smart way to extend your T500 laser system to fit larger piece materials like 1.5x1m acrylic sheet.

Air Extraction System - T500, X500III
To accomplish strong vacuum ventilation requirement for industrial application, GCC LaserPro X500III and T500 are recommended to supply a more powerful air extraction unit with 8” opening to reach the optimum cutting quality. The air extraction system powered by a maintenance-free turbine takes out the fume and dust generated during laser processing efficiently and effectively, leaves a quality cutting edge and clean operation environment.

Water Chiller
The water chiller that will be connected to the machine consists of a cooling system, and two tubes that allow inflow and outflow of water. When you turn the power on, the cooling system is activated and delivers cool water to the laser module to absorb heat produced there, and then brings it back to the cooling system to cool down.

AAS Contour Cutting Device (Patented)
Developed by GCC LaserPro, AAS is an exceptionally user-friendly operation which offers accurate and faultless contour cutting by automatically tracking the position of graphics.
Note: Working area and engraving speed will be reduced when AAS module is installed.

Supporting Pin Kit
This design can firmly hold up the working object preventing it from falling off; moreover, it can effectively reduce the possibility of the reflected laser hitting the working object.

SmartGUARD™ Fire Alarm (Patented)
Laser cutting and engraving operation using the SmartGUARD Fire Alarm assures optimum safety. When there is a malfunction, the alarm system will be active and shut-down the operation system immediately.