Anonym / Friday, September 10, 2021 / Categories: Technical - GCC, Laser Tips, Laser Marking Tips, Laser Marking FAQ's FAQ - Does the purity of air (Oxygen or Nitrogen) affect the laser cutting quality? Does the purity of air (Oxygen or Nitrogen) affect the cutting quality? Based on internal testing, higher purity levels result in higher cutting quality. Downside to this is that the cost of higher purified air is more costly. We suggest Oxygen purity of 99.8%(2N8) or higher. The purity of Nitrogen should be 99.995% (4N5) or higher. Previous Article Fake Purex Filters Next Article FAQ - Will it shorten the life time of my laser tube if the power setting is at 100%? Print 717 Rate this article: No rating Tags: laser marking GCC FAQ Laser Settings Support Documents to download FAQ-Does20the20purity20of20air2028Oxygen20or20Nitrogen2920affect20the20cutting20quality_V1.0(.pdf, 377.61 KB) - 12 download(s) Please login or register to post comments.