Laser Marking FAQ's

Laser Marking Q&A

Does Cermark work on sterling silver?

BEHost 0 367

Quesstion-Can you please advise if Cermark works for sterling silver. I want to engrave a locket with my CO2 50 watt laser. What should my settings be? 

Answer- Sterling Silver will take more heat then if marking stainless. You have to run test marks shown in the  (Optimizing Laser Settings) to verify the best laser settings, you should use a spare part to determine this information. If this part is a cheap sterling silver their may be a clear coat on the surface, if there is the CerMark will not work. The LMM-6000 should work but I would recommend the LMM-14  Aerosol for this metal.  

Does CerMark work on cast aluminum?

BEHost 0 360

Question- Does Cermark products works with Casted Aluminum?

Answer- The LMM-14, LMM-6000 and ULTRA should mark cast aluminum, as always, the customer must run the test grid to determine the proper settings for their laser that mark the cast aluminum. 

Where to find the production date on CerMark

BEHost 0 292

Question- How do I know the production date of the Cermark LMM6000 product I have purchased ? The label shows 91025 and I don't know how to interpret it. 

Answer- A paste lot-91025 was produced on 07/05/2021, we list all CerMark products with a shelf life of 2 years from date of manufacturing. This shelf life was introduced so that customers can maintain documentations for auditing purposes, the LMM-6000 Paste will produce quality laser marks if the paste consistency is maintained well beyond the 2 years.   In the spray cans you can see a number of 5 digits. (Example: 21317) This means:  21 is the year. 317 is the day of the year when them were produced. (Julian Date).

Marking on Nickle plated stainless steel

BEHost 0 319

Question- I need a small amount of something that will mark well on Nickle plated stainless steel with a Co2/ 40w  Glowforge Plus?

Answer- The Cermark product can be used on a Nickle Coated SS. The laser Processing will be critical to getting a good mark with contrast and not dissolving or removing the Nickle Coating. The glass tube laser such as the Glowforce sometimes has trouble maintaining a steady output power for this process. The sealed metal laser tube with RF control has better control over the marking process with Cermark. You can try Ultra  2 Oz can. and make different tests This will allow you to analyze the situation and see it continues.

I would recommend the LMM-14, but the LMM-6000 should also work.


Does Cermak tape engraves well on surgical steel

BEHost 0 294

Question- Does Cermak tape engraves well on surgical steel with a 20 W fiber laser?  

Answer- No, it does not. Seems the LMM-6018 Tape doesn’t mark on fiber laser systems, I recommend that you  find  a sample of the tape and  try it on your laser system.

Is CerMark resistant to Ethyl Alcohol

BEHost 0 338

Question- With Cermark, we are laser marking on thin lens glass. Part of the cleaning process is to swipe lens with Ethyl Alcohol. Do you know curing process for the Cermark in order to be resistant to the Ethyl Alcohol or if it this is even possible?  

Answer- We would recommend cleaning the product with a lent free cloth and water, but if you must use alcohol, you can wait a minute or less after its marked. The mark is instantaneous and as long as sufficient heat is applied to the material to bind it, alcohol should not be able to remove it. Hope this suggestion helps, please keep me updated on your experience.




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