Laser Marking FAQ's

Laser Marking Q&A

Does CerMark affect the underlying metal?

BEHost 0 337

Questions Is this layer of polymers just being deposed onto the stainless surface, without affecting the underlying chromium/steel molecular structure? 

Answer- Correct, an 80 watt CO2 laser system will not change the molecular structure of the stainless steel. The laser process using a co2 laser systems will only bond the CerMark to the stainless itself, when the correct laser settings are used to completed the bond the mark will become permanent.  

Is Chromium 6 present?

BEHost 0 294

Question- I need to make some ID tags, and am wondering if this product when used on stainless steel is considered 'hot work', or if you have done any testing to see if chromium 6 becomes present in the use on stainless? 

Answer- The CerMark products do not have any chromium 6 present, nor when using the CerMark will there be chromium produced.

Factors to Consider When Marking Metals:

BEHost 0 300

It is sometimes difficult to determine the correct power and speed settings for creating high quality laser marks using CerMark. There are numerous variables that must be considered when establishing the proper settings:

DuraBlack Laser Marking Material

Military Grade markable aluminum for harsh environments

BEHost 0 770

DuraBlack Laser Marking Material

For use in harsh environments and heavy use
DuraBlack is a military grade marking material that can stand up to toughest conditions

FAQ - How do IĀ use Adobe Acrobat reader DC to output to LaserPro products?

Anonym 0 782

How do I use Adobe Acrobat reader DC to output to LaserPro products?

For cutting jobs, the cutting line width should be 0.001mm (set to hairline is not enough).

1. Use Adobe Acrobat reader DC to open pdf files. Then click File/Print.

2. Select GCC LaserPro driver (in this case is Spirit 4.08-01) and then click properties (the red circle below).

3. Set the proper power and speed and other parameters and then click print.

4. Make sure that the Advanced tag has the settings seen in the attached article document.

FAQ - Should there be a gap at the joint of cutting lines after the mainboard is replaced?

Anonym 0 704

Should there be a gap at the joint of cutting lines after the mainboard is replaced?

The cause is that the laser tube model is not correctly set.

A default laser tube model will be set in the firmware (mainboard) before GCC ships the mainboard to the customer. The default laser tube model might be different if the board is replaced on a customer’s machine - it might need to be modified.

Modifying the laser tube model:

FAQ - Will it shorten the life time of my laser tube if the power setting is at 100%?

Anonym 0 711

Will it shorten the lifetime of my laser tube if the power setting is at 100%?


Perhaps you will feel that setting the laser tube at its power limit (power set to 100%) might bring negative consequences, especially in regards to the lifetime of laser tube. Indeed, for most industrial products this critical operation might shorten its service life. However, we have to realize one thing first - for a laser tube, outputting at a 100% level is not a kind of critical operation, too high of an unstable current is.

While the power supply of the laser tube is outputting a regular and stable current to the laser tube, no matter which power level you are using, it won’t affect the service time of the tube even if you set the power level at 100% in the driver.




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